After leaving the French Air Force at the end of the year 2008, I have developed consulting activities, for the main part in relatino with air traffic management (ATM) and the elaboration of SESAR and SES-related projects. I have first worked with OPEN SOLUTIONS SA/NV in Brussels, and then with OBIZCO SARL in Luxembourg. I have now incorporated my own consulting business ISK Consulting SA in Luxembourg, where I am also a resident. "ISK" stands for Innovation, Strategy, Knowledge.
In these consulting companies, I have set up specific activities in relation with industrial organization, cost-benefit analysis and business modeling, the management of innovation and issues in relation with strategic management. All these aspects directly borrow from my academic activities, and directly feed my lectures and teaching activities.
My threefold activity, as consultant, as researcher in strategic management, and as faculty teaching for initial or executive education, benefits from the articulation between these different, yet complementary, activities.
This articulation makes it possible to improve the overall activities of all three activity domains: make sure that my research makes sense for actual managers, that my consulting aligns with the requirements of academic rigor, and that my teaching focuses on topics relevant to empower students with effective tools and methods for decision-making.
I have started lecturing and supervising research projects long before I was active in consulting, and I have progressively installed a strong cohrence between all my activities. This makes it now possible to articulate together the contents of my consulting and academic activities, and to feed with actual cases and field-based returns on exprience all my contributions in the education system (at Bachelor, Master or Doctoral level). This makes it for instance possible to develop new pedagogic methods, mostly based on reverse classes and case study analyis, in direct reference to my consulting or research projects - I just need to anonymize some of the data to build cases for my students. The same holds for my consulting activity, because I can import academic methods and results into missions carried out for my clients in consulting.
The fact that I am myself active as a manager also helps in this matter.
I have 30+ years of experience managing NGOs, offices in central administrations (French Ministry
of Defense), research centers, and business units in consulting businesses. My experience also covers duties as managing director, administrator, founding partner, and CFO in SMEs in different
economic sectors.