David W. VERSAILLES was the head of the research field
"Strategic Management, Corporate strategy, Innovation studies and Entrepreneurship" for PSB Exec DBA program between 2015 and 2018
Activities covered:
Seminars in methodology (Epistemology, Methodology of the social sciences, Qualitative research methods)
Facilitation of workshops for the presentation of DBA research projects
Contribution to the reorganization of the Exec DBA for Paris School of Business
1-day long seminar jointly designed by Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES for the joint Exec MBA of the Univ. of Grenoble and the Univ of Sao Polo
Profile of attendees: Brazilian (and some French) senior execs from the aerosapce and IT industry,
seminar on the management of Defense-related complex programs and on the management of system (of systems) integration
Program developed by David W. VERSAILLES, Dean for research, and head of research programs in social and organization sciences, at the French Air Force Academy
Training in leadership and organizational behavior for officers ()
...in charge of the "train the trainers" program, dedicated to officers field training for the Fr AF Academy cadets