Purpose (EN): Innovation management in the healthcare sector has undergone significant evolutions over the last decades. These evolutions have been investigated from a variety of perspectives: clusters, ecosystems of innovation, digital ecosystems and regional ecosystems, but the dynamics of networks have seldom been analyzed under the lenses of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs). As identified by Cao and Shi (2020), the literature is silent about the organization of resource allocation systems for network orchestration in EEs. This article investigates these elements in the healthcare sector. It discusses the strategic role played by entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) in resource allocation and elaborates on the distinction between sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs in EEs. ESOs are active in network orchestration. The literature explains that ESOs lift organizational, institutional and cultural barriers, and support entrepreneurs' access to cognitive and technological resources. However, allocation models are not yet discussed. Therefore, our research questions are as follows: What is the resource allocation model in healthcare-related EEs? What is the role played by sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs as regards resource allocation to support the emergence and development of EEs in the healthcare sector?.
Design, methodological approach (EN): The article offers an explanatory, exploratory, and theory-building investigation. The research design offers an abductive research protocol and multi-level analysis of seven (sponsored and nonsponsored) ESOs active in French healthcare ecosystems. Field research elaborates on semi-structured interviews collected between 2016 and 2022..
Findings (EN): This article shows explicit complementarities between top-down and bottom-up resource allocation approaches supported by ESOs in the healthcare sector. Despite explicit originalities in each approach, no network orchestration model prevails. Multi-polar coordination is the rule. Entrepreneurs' access to critical technological and cognitive resources is based on resource allocation modalities that differ for sponsored versus nonsponsored ESOs. Emerging from field research, this research also shows that sponsored and nonsponsored ESOs manage their roles in different ways because they confront original issues about organizational legitimacy..
Originality/Value (EN): Beyond the results listed above, the main originalities of the paper relate to the instantiation of multi-level analysis operated during field research and to the confrontation between sponsored versus nonsponsored ESOs in the domain of healthcare-related innovation management. This research shows that ESOs have practical relevance because they build original routes for resource allocation and network orchestration in EEs. Each ESO category (sponsored versus nonsponsored) provides original support for resource allocation. The ESO's legitimacy is inferred either from the sponsor or the services delivered to end-users. This research leads to propositions for future research and recommendations for practitioners: ESO managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers..
Les paradoxes de l’innovation ouverte : vers un changement de paradigme pour la Défense
[Open innovation paradoxes: toward a paradigmatic change for Defense]
Innovations (De Boeck)
Authors: Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Title (EN): Les paradoxes de l’innovation ouverte : vers un changement de paradigme pour la Défense
Title (FR): Open innovation paradoxes: toward a paradigmatic change for Defense
Journal:Innovations (De Boeck)
Ref: TBD, article in EN (accepted for publication on July 6th, 2022)
Abstract (EN): Defence innovation policies are in contradiction with open innovation because they are traditionally based on the search for stability of critical skills mastered by a closed perimeter of actors. Based on the study of the French case, this research investigates the open innovation paradoxes and how to manage them. Two innovation models co-exist and interact: closed innovation oriented toward the Defence Industrial and Technological Base (BITD), and open innovation aimed at links with a variety of innovation ecosystems. This hybrid model of innovation is based on differentiation, and integration modes of management orchestrated by an agency. This also requires the mobilization of a variety of intermediaries who play the role of sensors of ideas and skills external to the BITD.
Boundary spanners and the orchestration of resources: global-local complementarities in action
European Management Review
Authors: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Title (EN):"Boundary spanners and the orchestration of resources: global-local complementarities in action"
Title (FR): "[xxx]"
Journal:European Management Review
Ref: vol 17(1), pp 101-119 - published on paper on Apr. 19th, 2020
Ref: published online first on Sept 1st, 2018, in press
DOI: DOI:10.1111/emre.12321
Abstract (EN): This research focuses on managerial roles and practices in the local–global deployment of the orchestration of resources.
We aim at understanding how local and global managers contribute to ‘sensing’, ‘seizing’ and ‘reconfiguring’ in a transnational firm. We offer an
exploratory, explanatory and theory‐building case study and an abductive method grounded in the microfoundations of managerial activities. The field
research develops inside THALES business units. We obtain two main conclusions that are consistent with our abductive method: we characterize how
the boundary‐spanning function serves the orchestration of resources and highlight the importance of team and network boundary‐spanning modalities.
We identify the complementarities between local and global boundary spanners, and we show that rules create the framework suited to empowering the
dynamics of team or network boundary spanning at the local and global levels.
Boundary objects as the missing link in resources orchestration:
an exploratory study of Dassault Mirage IV and Rafale programs
Management International
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES and Valerie MERINDOL
Title (EN): "Boundary objects as the missing link in resources orchestration:
an exploratory study of Dassault Mirage IV and Rafale programs"
Title (FR): "[Les objets frontières comme lien manquant dans l'orchestration des ressrouces:
une étude exploratoire des programmes Mirage IV et Rafale de Dassault Aviation]"
Journal: Management International (HEC Montréal)
Ref: 23(4), 102-117 (online Aug 31st, 2019) article in EN
Abstract (EN): In this contribution, we investigate the use of boundary objects (Star and Griesemer) for the orchestration of resources (Teece).
We propose a comparative case study elaborating on two Dassault Aviation military fighters under an abductive approach. In this contribution, we
elaborate on the micro-foundations approach. Our contribution discusses several properties of boundary objects in relation with the orchestration
of resources: type, granularity, openness, malleability, and completeness. We conclude that boundary objects are critical to orchestration.
Their properties explain why they diversely impact on sensing, seizing and reconfiguring. They elaborate on knowledge articulation and teamwork,
and require specific ways of working.
Unpacking the constituents of dynamic capabilities: a microfoundations perspective
Management International
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES and Nicolai J. FOSS
Title (EN): "Unpacking the constituents of dynamic capabilities: a microfoundations perspective"
Title (FR): "Comment identifier les composants des capacités dynamiques: la perspective des micro-fondations"
Journal:Management International
Ref: 23(4), pp 18-29, article in EN (online Aug 31st, 2019)
Abstract (EN): This position paper updates about methodological and epistemological issues on the micro-foundations perspective.
We propose that conceptual divergences between the different streams of contributions to dynamic capabilities (DCs) research (the Eisenhardt
versus Teece divide) hide discrepancies about methodological aspects, and about the locus of DCs. We zoom out from current epistemological debates
about the microfoundations to explain the necessity of multi-level approaches, and to clarify the interpretation of the Boudon-Coleman “bathtub”.
We elaborate on these aspects to explain how to enhance research on DCs, and more generally in strategic management. We discuss specific issues
in relation with the selection of units of analysis and with the elaboration of field research protocols. We also propose practical recommendations
adhering to the micro-foundations approach
Keywords (EN): Dynamic capabilities, Resource orchestration, Research heuristics, Microfoundations, Methodology of the social sciences,
Situational analysis, Methodological individualism
Understanding dynamic capabilities: the microfoundations perspective
Introduction by the guest editors to the special issue on Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities
Management International
Authors: Valérie MERINDOL, David W. VERSAILLES, Nicolai J. FOSS, and Agusti P. CANALS
Title (EN): "Understanding dynamic capabilities: the microfoundations perspective Introduction to the Thematic issue on Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities"
Title (FR): ["Comprendre les capacités dynamiques: l'approche par les micro-fondations Introduction au numéro thématique sur les Microfondations des capacités dynamiques"]
Journal:Management International
Ref: 23(4), pp 9-17, article in FR, EN, SP (online Aug 31st, 2019)
Abstract (EN): Introduction to the Thematic issue on Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities
Keywords (EN): Dynamic capabilities, Resource orchestration, Research heuristics, Microfoundations, Methodology of the social sciences
Vers un nouveau modèle de gouvernance de l’innovation pour les programmes de Défense et de Sécurité:
la dynamique de l’innovation ouverte et des communautés ‘Open Source’
Economie et Institutions
Authors: Thomas LE TEXIER and David W. VERSAILLES
Title (FR):"xxxxx"
Title (EN): "[TBD]"
Journal:Economie et Institutions (Canada)
Ref: Vol. 12 et 13, (inprint 2008-2009), pp. xx
Thematic issue on : (Guest editor: David W. VERSAILLES)
Subjectivisme économique, figures du besoin et de l’utilité marginale
à travers les éditions des Grundsätze (1871-1923) de Carl Menger
Cahiers d'économie politique
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES
Title (FR):"Subjectivisme économique, figures du besoin et de l’utilité marginale à travers les éditions des Grundsätze (1871-1923) de Carl Menger"
Title (EN): "[TBD]"
Journal:Cahiers d'économie politique (Canada)
Ref: nb xx, (Dec.), pp. 91-108
DOI: doi.org/10.3917/cep.051.0091
Abstract (EN): This contribution argues that Menger’s Grundsätze ground economic subjectivism in cognitive features.
It elaborates on need-satisfaction in relation with the use value of goods. It details the various forms raised for utility in Menger’s
texts and distinguishes between both Grundsätze editions. The second edition (1923 – edited by his son Karl) turns out as the starting point of an
interpretation lowering the cognitive content of the 1871 text and, therefore, the originality of the representation of individuals. With the various
aspects of needs and utility, with the concept of use value, Carl Menger’s economic subjectivism does exist on an autonomous basis.
Abstract (FR): Cette contribution argumente que les Grundsätze de Carl Menger fondent le subjectivisme économique dans la théorie cognitive.
L’article entre dans le détail des figures du besoin en liaison avec la notion de valeur d’usage. Il revient sur les figures de l’utilité pour distinguer
les éditions des Grundsätze. La seconde édition (1923) a été le point de départ d’une lecture qui amoindrit l’originalité du raisonnement initial (1871)
en gommant les aspects cognitifs de la représentation de l’individu. Avec les différentes figures du besoin et de l’utilité, dans le concept de valeur
d’usage, le subjectivisme de Carl Menger existe en matière économique de façon autonome.
Friedrich Hayek vs. Karl Popper : Eléments pour un débat sur la connaissance économique
Revue de philosophie économique
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES and Christian SCHMIDT
Title (FR):"Friedrich Hayek vs. Karl Popper : Eléments pour un débat sur la connaissance économique "
Title (EN): "[TBD]"
Journal:Revue de philosophie économique
Ref: vol 1, nb2, pp. 111-139
Abstract (FR): A première vue, la chronologie des œuvres de Hayek et Popper, leurs biographies, leurs thèses méthodologiques en faveur
de l’individualisme, leurs ennemis communs (historicisme, holisme et planisme) et leurs références croisées peuvent laisser envisager l’existence d’un
véritable débat intellectuel entre les deux hommes, sinon d’une convergence sur le fond. La similitude de leurs thèses et leur " amitié " ne reposent que
sur la conclusion commune que l’histoire ne permet pas d’énoncer des assertions nomologiques. Cette trouble coïncidence renvoie, en réalité, à des conceptions
très éloignées de la connaissance scientifique en économie. A travers leurs analyses de l’historicisme et de la méthode expérimentale, nous démontrons que
la divergence entre eux est patente sur le plan de l’épistémologie des sciences sociales.
Asbtract (EN): Hayek’s and Popper’s bibliographies, their biographies, their methodological theses in favor of individualism, their common commitment
against historicism, historism and planism, and crossed references in their writings bring us to infer (at least) some intellectual debate between them, or
even some deeper mutual understanding. It is not. Hayek and Popper demonstrate on their own that history cannot provide the social sciences with nomological
statements. This confusing coincidence and their "friendship" are nothing but the conclusion of autonomous and together irrelevant views about scientific
knowledge in economics. We inquire in this paper their analysis of historicism and the status they attribute to experiments; we conclude that Hayek and Popper
opted for diverging paths in the epistemology of the social sciences.
Les libertariens et le libéralisme, étude normative de la liberté ou économie positive?
Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines
Review article of...
BOUILLON, Hardy (ed) (1995),
Libertarians and Liberalism, Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky on his 75th birthday
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES
Title (EN):"Les libertariens et le libéralisme, étude normative de la liberté ou économie positive?"
Title (FR): "[xxxxx]"
Journal:Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines
Ref: Vol 7 Nb 4, (Dec) pp. 633-647
Review article of:Hardy BOUILLON (ed) (1995),
Libertarians and Liberalism, Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky on his 75th birthday,
Aldershot, UK: AVebury, 360p
Review article of...
Gerard RADNITZKY and Hardy BOUILLON (eds) (1995), Values and Social Order, 2 vols.
Authors: David W. VERSAILLES
Title (EN):"Values and Social Order"
Title (FR): "[xxxxx]"
Journal:Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines
Ref: Vol 6 Nb 1, (March) pp. 201-215
Review article of:Gerard RADNITZKY and Hardy BOUILLON (eds) (1995),
Values and Social Order,
vol. 1 - Values and Society (272 p.)
vol. 2 - Society and Order (224 p.)
Aldershot, UK: Avebury