Title (EN): [ Air Liquide I-Lab: the management of creativity in a large established firm ]
Title (FR): Le I-Lab d’Air Liquide: manager la creativité dans les grandes entreprises
Publishing house: French Centrale de Cas et de Media Pédagogiques (CCMP)
Reference: G1938
Publication date: Feb 2018
Data collection: research projects on open labs and innovation platforms executed with the newPIC chair.
Data collected first with the facilitation and organization of the expert group (co-chaired with ANRT / FutuRIS)
and, second, with the research project commissioned by Bpifrance and Innovation Factory)
the incubated BU described in the case is now NAVAL ENERGIES
Authors: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Title (EN): [ DCNS – In-house incubation and strategic diversification ]
Title (FR): DCNS – In-house incubation and strategic diversification
Publishing house: French Centrale de Cas et de Media Pédagogiques (CCMP)
Reference: G1904
Publication date: 14 Oct. 2016
Data collection: research projects on dual-use technologies executed with the newPIC chair.
Data collected during the EPMES project funded by the French MoD (OED), EPS 2013-42