Research projects executed while positioned in academic institutions
The most recent research projects described here are developed
while co-heading the newPIC chair with Valerie MERINDOL at Paris School of Business,
and as Research director at Luxembourg School of Business
Early warning signals in the Grande Region [ EWS Phase 2 ]
Sponsored by:Luxembourg School of Business and MindForest
Principal investigator: David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Dino DOGAN, David W. VERSAILLES, and Nico HOFFELD supported by Jane BARTON
Execution by: Luxembourg School of Business and MindForest
Execution between: Sep. 2024 and Spring 2026
White book (forthcoming, 2026)
Early warning signals. Insighits about the use of EWS in the Grande Region
Direct link: (see boxes)
L'open lab Y.SPOT. Analyse d'un dispositif d'innovation ouverte pour la deeptech [ The Y.SPOT open lab. Investigation of an open innovation lab for deeptechs ]
Commissioned by:CEATechnological research directorate
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: Jan. 2023 and Dec. 2024
Deliverables: 2 documents:
White book (in French and its translation into English)
The open lab Y.SPOT. Investigation of an open innovation lab for deeptechs
Project value: see newPIC chair for further elements
Direct link: (see boxes)
Early warning signals [ EWS Phase 1 ]
Sponsored by:Luxembourg School of Business and MindForest
Principal investigator: David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Dino DOGAN, David W. VERSAILLES, and Nico HOFFELD supported by Jane BARTON
Execution by: Luxembourg School of Business and MindForest
Execution between: June 2021 and Spring 2024
White book
Early warning signals. Insighits about the use of EWS in Luxembourg's business community
Direct link: (see boxes)
Accompagner et piloter des plateformes d'innovation académiques dans la deeptech [ Strategy, management and governance for academic innovation platforms active in deep techs ]
Commissioned by:BpifranceDeeptechs directorate
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: Sept. 2019 and Jan. 2021
Deliverables: 2 series of documents:
White book (to be publicly released in Nov. 2020)
Internal documents for strategy-making, xls tool and supporting reports (July 2020)
Project value: see newPIC chair for further elements
Direct link: (see boxes)
Repenser les fonctions d’intermédiation dans l’innovation pour le secteur de la santé [ Intermediation functions for healthcare-related innovation projects ]
Commissioned by:Genopole (Evry) and Bpifrance
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: July 2018 and Sept. 2019
Research report (public release in Oct. 2019)
Internal notes on strategy making
Project value: see newPIC chair for further elements
Direct link: (see boxes)
Comparison between innovation platforms in France and in South-East Asia [ Comparaisons entre la dynamique des plateformes d’innovation en France et en Asie ]
Commissioned by:Bpifrance Le Lab and Innovation Factory
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: Sep 2018 and May 2019
Deliverables: Research report, available for pubblic dissemination in June 2019
Project value: not disclosed by PSB
Direct link: (see boxes)
Innovation platforms in French regional hubs [ Plateformes d'innovation en France ]
Commissioned by:Bpifrance Le Lab and Innovation Factory
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: Sep 2017 and Apr 2018
Deliverables: Research report, available for public dissimination in May 2018
Project value: see newPIC chair for further elements
Innovation platforms in Paris and its region [ Plateformes d’innovation à Paris et en Ile de France ]
Commissioned by:Bpifrance Le Hub, Innovation Factory and Paris&Co
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Execution between: Sep 2016 and May 2017
Deliverables: TBD
Project value: see newPIC chair for further elements
Open labs in France [ Le mouvement des "open labs" en France ]
Joint initiative by:newPIC chair at PSB and FutuRIS platform at ANRT
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL, Nadege BOUQUIN and David W. VERSAILLES
Organization and facilitation of an expert group (details on newPIC chair website)
Facilitation by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business and FutuRIS platform at ANRT
Field research by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution between: Sep 2015 and Mar 2016
Publication of the White Book of Open Labs (available from newPIC chair website)
Project co-funded by the newPIC chair and ANRT / FutuRIS
Commissioned by:French Ministry of Defense
Funding scheme:ASTRID (ANR)
Principal investigators: David W. VERSAILLES for a work package on Innovation adoption
Project managers: HEUDYASIC research lab, at Compiègne University (UTC)
Execution by: Team with OST and HEUDYASIC (UTC)
Execution between: 2014 to 2017, 30m total duration without extensions
Decision to withdraw from the project in Dec 2016 after governance and budget issues
Project value: 275 kE
Dual-use technologies and strategy-making for Defense industries [ La dualité dans les entreprises de Défense ]
Commissioned by:French Ministry of Defense (SGA/DAF/OED)
Principal investigators: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Project managers: Valerie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
Execution by: newPIC chair at Paris School of Business